September 13, 2010

Nebraskans to read Standing Bear book

Readers choose local author for One Book--One Lincoln

By Cindy Lange-KubickThis year, for the first time, readers were the decision-makers in the final selection for the city's annual community-wide reading event, One Book--One Lincoln.

And readers knew just what they wanted Lincoln to read: "I Am a Man: Chief Standing Bear's Journey for Justice," by Joe Starita.
And:The University of Nebraska-Lincoln journalism professor's non-fiction work, published in 2008, chronicles the Ponca chief's fight for his people's land and freedom.

"This excellent book is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the West, or of America," author Ian Frazier wrote in praise of Starita's second work of non-fiction.
Comment:  For more on Standing Bear, see Standing Bear Breakfast and Celebration and Standing Bear = Enemy Combatant.

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