December 18, 2010

Cherokee wins Arkansas talent search

Cherokee gets record deal after winning talent search contest

By Tesina JacksonAfter recently winning the Great Arkansas Talent Search in Little Rock, Cherokee Nation citizen Sherman Connelly is expected to start recording an album in January.

“It’s going to be all original songs that we’re recording…all of my songs,” said the Marble City resident. “I don’t know how long it will take. Hopefully less than a year to get it all done.”

For winning the competition, Connelly received $3,000 and a record contract with Infrared Records that includes one complete album to be recorded and released. He also won a full professional photo shoot and a marketing package by shutterTHAT!

Connelly was also guaranteed a showcase with the Virgin Record Group, which includes labels such as Capital, Blue Note and EMI.
Comment:  For more on Cherokee musicians, see Nine Cherokee Children's Choirs and Tribe Seeks All-Cherokee Rock Band.

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