December 09, 2010

Van Camp's new comic books

Author Richard Van Camp blogs about the comic books he's written:

This week in comics and my rant on Jason Aaron's "Scalped"[G]reat news for our Aboriginal comic book company. Sean Muir, our publisher, continues to publish fantastic and important comic books that deal with hard hitting issues facing Aboriginal youth and all communities:

Here's our website:

You can now read the first 12 pages of all our titles.

My first comic book, "Path of the Warrior," with artist Steve Sanderson is going into its second print run. This means we've sold 30,000 copies! If your organization would like to purchase some, please get in touch with me at vancamprichard(at)

My new comic book, "Kiss Me Deadly" with artist Chris Auchter, should be out in February. It's about sexual health and it's hilarious. We're proofing it right now.

Our mission statement has always been "story first, issue second." What that translates to is if we're hired to write about diabetes prevention, we focus on the characters, plot, narrative first and deal with the issue through theme and positive action.
Comment:  The Healthy Aboriginal Network's mission statement expresses the right way to do Native comics. From what I've seen of their comics, they've generally succeeded.

For more on Van Camp and comic books, see Summing Up the Eiteljorg Event. For more on Van Camp's books, see Upcoming Film of The Lesser Blessed and Carl Brandon Society's Recommendations.

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