May 08, 2011

Pueblo man develops marijuana patch

Pueblo of Santa Ana Member Developing Pain-Relief Skin PatchA medical marijuana skin patch—originally developed in the 1990s by Walter Cristobal, a member of the Pueblo of Santa Ana of New Mexico—might be available by the end of this year, reported Culture.

The Washington Times reported on February 22 that Medical Marijuana Delivery Systems LLC (MMDS) announced it had acquired the U.S. Patent rights to the Medical Marijuana Patch, guaranteeing the company exclusive rights for development of the Patch for transcutaneous (meaning medications applied through the skin) delivery of medical marijuana to humans and animals.

Marketed under the trademark TETRACAN, medical marijuana dispensaries countrywide will most likely sell the Patch by year’s end.
Comment:  For more on Native endeavors in healthcare, see Basketball-Playing Medical Lab Scientist and Studi's Flu-Vaccine PSAs.

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