November 14, 2011

"White Journalists" on Native America Calling

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a column on Hidden America: Children of the Plains, the ABC 20/20 special. Because of it, I got an e-mail about appearing on Native America Calling, the premiere Native radio show. The subject was this:Thursday, November 10, 2011–White Journalists in Native America:

The recent ABC television show 20/20 featured a show called “Children of the Plains” shed light on the plight of Indian children on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. It turned out to be the highest rated show for the network in months. It begs the question about the role of white journalists in Native America. Can we befriend our neighboring journalists to help us out with getting our message out? Why aren’t more white journalists doing stories on Native America? Invited guests include journalist Catherine Robbins, author of “All Indians Do Not Live in Teepees (or Casinos).”
I did the show Thursday and managed not to sound incoherent. Below is the audio file. Click on the link to download the file; click on the file to start playing it.

My segments were relatively brief. You can listen to the whole hour-long show or skip to my portions. I spoke from 36:20 to 42:00 and 54:15 to 56:15, with a final mention of me before the 57:00 mark.

For more on the subject, see Children of the Plains Political Cartoon, Children of the Plains Is a Hit, and Poverty Porn in Children of the Plains.

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