October 09, 2012

Fiasco launches "Toast to Pine Ridge"

Rapper Lupe Fiasco Tweets Support for Fight Against Alcoholism with #ToastToPineRidgeHip hop star Lupe Fiasco gained notice in Indian country for the shout-outs to Pine Ridge in his single “Around My Way (Freedom Ain’t Free),” and later followed up with a low-profile visit to Pine Ridge; he’s now trying to further raise awareness with his 1.3 million Twitter followers.

He’s launched a campaign asking them to raise a glass—of water—to support the Lakota people struggling with alcoholism. The gesture comes in the wake of a federal court’s dismissal of the suit filed by the Oglala Sioux Tribe against brewers, retailers and distributors of alcohol sold in Whiteclay, Nebraska.

He announced this campaign on Sunday via his @LupeFiasco Twitter account, with a goal to amass 100,000 photos, over the next two weeks, of people toasting their support to those on Pine Ridge battling alcoholism.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Pine Ridge Gets Media Attention and Fiasco Raps About Pine Ridge.

Below:  "Anthony Winfield, Lupe Fiasco's assistant, left, and Lupe Fiasco toast to the people of Pine Ridge with glasses of water."

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