April 06, 2013

Tim Giago Day

Native American journalist recognized for 30-year career

By Daniel Simmons-RitchieStanding before a crowd of 20 well-wishers in City Hall, a stalwart of Native American journalism was honored Friday by Rapid City councilors.

Tim Giago, the owner of the Native Sun News, was recognized by City Hall for 30 years of dedicated service to indigenous issues.

Under an executive proclamation, Mayor Sam Kooiker declared April 5 "Tim Giago Day."

The accolade comes after a decision by Giago to step back from the Native Sun News. While he will remain owner, he said he will be less involved in the paper's day-to-day management.
Tim Giago Day celebrated in Rapid City

Comment:  For more on Tim Giago, see Means Is "Riddle Wrapped in Enigma" and Giago Receives Lifetime Achievement Award.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Giago basically created the modern-day indigenous media. Or the idea of it anyway. You could say he's the Steve Jobs of Indian media, I guess. (In the sense that Apple created the PC, demonstrating that such a thing is possible.)

    Oh, Indianz had John Trimbach trying to once again claim AIM is like the mafia, somehow. Joe Bonnano could not be reached for comment, presumably chilling with the Reagans.


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