May 03, 2010

Premo designs commemorative blanket

An e-mail from June 2009:Hello Robert!

I just wanted to share with you officially that NIEA has chosen a winner for its Pendleton 40th Anniversary Commemorative Blanket; Steve Premo!

I hope you can post this and share on your respected web site. Below is a link to a photo of the winning artwork. It is good for your type of blog, if you need a larger file, I would be happy to give that to you as well.
The National Indian Education Association is pleased to announce that Steve Premo (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe) is our exclusive designer for the 40th Annual NIEA Pendleton Commemorative Blanket.

Those who entered submitted dazzling paintings and designs—so difficult was the task of choosing among such diverse and beautiful works.

Steve Premo’s design is special to NIEA. With forty points circling the logo, it proudly shares the many years that the membership organization has brought together to discuss Native education issues. Steve Premo is a well-respected artist with a distinctive style who paints with bold and deliberate colors.

“Although not as complex as other entries, Steve Premo’s artwork expressed strong meaning that was well thought out. He told our story with symbols and colors with such respect and conviction. We found that the most compelling,” Robert Cook, NIEA President said.

The education community is truly honored by the effort put forth by the participants in this contest. NIEA thanks all who entered and appreciate greatly the work and time spent on the wonderful pieces of art for the education community and the founding history of the National Indian Education Association.

The blanket will be given to Pendleton Woolen Mills Company. Compensation for the winning design included a $2,500.00 cash prize, one round-trip airfare to the NIEA convention in Milwaukee, October 22-25, 2009, a two nights stay at the NIEA”s host hotel the Hilton Milwaukee, and an unveiling of the winning work during the opening General Assembly Session of the convention.

Michael Woestehoff (Navajo)
Membership and Communications
110 Maryland Ave NW Ste 104 Washington, DC 20002
(202) 544-7290

"It's a Good Day to be Educated."
Comment:  I just noticed this e-mail in my inbox. Oh, well...better late than never!

Nice design by Premo. I didn't see the other entries, but this one looks like a winner to me.

FYI, Premo did the artwork for A HERO'S VOICE and DREAMS OF LOOKING UP, the two comic books the Mille Lac Band of Ojibwe published in the 1990s.

For more on Premo, see Mural Commemorates Ojibwe Rescuer.

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