October 06, 2010

Presbyterian churches to apologize to Indians

Presbyterian churches plan apology to American Indians

By Melissa Nann BurkeLocal Presbyterians are taking part in a public apology to American Indians on Saturday, atoning in particular for the acts of a Paxton militia that massacred 20 peaceful Indians in Lancaster in 1763.

Representatives of the three-county Presbytery of Donegal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will read a statement that says in part, "We now, the Presbyterians of today, mourn for the acts done by our sisters and brothers in the faith."

The statement, which asks for the Indians' forgiveness, is part of a larger initiative involving public officials and leaders of the Quaker and Mennonite denominations, who will also acknowledge "wrongs" committed against native groups that once thrived in the region.

The apology coincides with Lancaster County's celebrating 300 years since Europeans settled the area.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Churches Apologize for Betraying Gospel and Catholic Churches Apologize to Menominees.

1 comment:

  1. http://articles.lancasteronline.com/local/4/299352


    Ceremony acknowledges centuries of mistreatment of Native Americans

    Mennonites, Amish, Quakers, Presbyterians and government officials all laid down the stones of their misdeeds against Native Americans for the last 300 years.

    They publicly acknowledged and apologized for the wrongs at a service Saturday morning at a crowded First Presbyterian Church in downtown Lancaster.

    Their statements were formally received by a wide cross-section of local and regional Native Americans.

    The service and a dedication of a Native American longhouse site at the Hans Herr House and Museum that followed were part of the Lancaster Roots celebration of the tricentennial anniversary of Lancaster County.


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