October 02, 2010

Shinnecocks become 565th recognized tribe

Shinnecocks Get Final Word, Become 565th Recognized Tribe

By Brendan O'ReillyThe Shinnecock Indian Nation received word Friday afternoon from its tribal attorneys that it is now officially the 565th Native American tribe to earn recognition from the U.S. government, according to Shinnecock Tribal Trustee Lance Gumbs.

The Interior Board of Indian Appeals, or IBIA, on Friday dismissed two objections to granting the Shinnecocks federal recognition, removing the last remaining obstacles in what became a process for the tribe that covered more than 32 years.
Fun on Facebook

In response to this news, I posted a note on Facebook:Shinnecocks become the 565th Indian tribe to be federally recognized. Thousands of websites referring to 561, 562, or 563 tribes are now out of date.This led to the following discussion (slightly rearranged to read better):

This also demonstrates how difficult it is to get recognized these days. Which contradicts gaming foes who claim the feds are handing out recognition like candy.I know a number of Indians who think it gets handed out like candy, too, actually...and I'm never quite sure how to take that, so I just keep quiet + listen real close.No. 564 was the Wampanoags in 2007. One tribe every three or so years doesn't sound like a fire sale to me.

You can tell people something like this:http://www.indiancountrytoday.com/home/content/Connecticut-based-group-attacks-Shinnecock-acknowledgment-99621369.html

It looks like most of you missed an important point. They filed for recognition in 1978 ten years before the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. Ten years before casinos became widespread. It's not their fault it has taken 32 years for the Federal Government to act.
How recognition worksHow exactly does that fed process work? Is it like "Oh hey I've seen you somewhere before" or "Yeah I recognize you, you used to date my sister"?That's about what gaming foes think.

Actually, they think white people label themselves Indians, dress up in rags, and beg the feds for alms. Our liberal/socialist/fascist government gives them a casino as "reparations," a type of welfare handout for minorities. It's all part of Obama's plan to turn America into a Third World country.

I wish this were a joke, but it's only a slight exaggeration.

Tribes have to provide volumes of evidence to prove their political and cultural continuity since colonial days. Since many of them were terminated and assimilated into the surrounding population, that's usually hard to do.http://lieberman.senate.gov/assets/pdf/crs/indianaffairs.pdf

The criteria is ridiculous to say the least. 99% of the population would have a hard time proving this.
Right. The actual criteria is difficult to meet, which is why most tribes spend 30 years compiling data and going through reviews only to get turned down.Ya know the funny thing about that casino thing is...in all the ones I have been in...and I have been in a lot. The vast majority of patrons are not Indians. So you would think that if the good people did not want Indians to have casinos...they would stay the f--k out of them.Right again. Gaming supporters sometimes say that no matter what critics claim, people are voting with their feet.

How recognition doesn't workIf the right federal palms are greased by foreign investors with their infallible strategies, then all things are possible, e.g., the Shinnecocks, Pequots and Mohegans.I think all three of those tribes applied for recognition before IGRA and Indian casinos existed.But their foreign masters had the incredible foresight to get the ball rollin'!Yes, incredible. As in "not credible." <g>

Actually, I think foreign investors became involved only after IGRA passed in 1988. Which would've been several years after the tribes applied for recognition.Imagine Fu Manchu on steroids with a mighty assist from Wall Street insiders....

Not only sought fed rec. before gaming, but have been fighting the same issues with the Feds for nearly 80 years--since the IRA [Indian Reorganization Act of 1934]. Really stale candy.

I can't believe it takes that long to process be recognize as Indian tribe. Wonder how many are still on the list for evaluation to this day? Interesting subject....
Hundreds, I think. But most are "wannabe" tribes that don't have a legitimate claim.Good conversation. And the tribes went for foreign investors because American banks would not lend to the Indian gaming industry.Comment:  Clearly our "Fu Manchu" commenter needs the same education a previous commenter needed about who's an Indian.

Also, a note: A couple hundred of these "tribes" are actually Alaska Native villages or corporations. We call them tribes only for the sake of convenience.

For more on the subject, see Searching for Connecticut's Indians and How the Pequots Got Recognized.

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