October 03, 2012

Lone Ranger trailer and images

Johnny Depp as Tonto speaks in broken English in 'Lone Ranger'The trailer for The Long Ranger hit the Internet today and it features actor Johnny Depp, who plays "Tonto," speaking in broken English.

"There come a time, kemosabe, when good man must wear mask," Tonto tells the Lone Ranger, played by Arnie Hammer.

The trailer confirms that Tonto wears the infamous "bird headdress" throughout most, if not the entire, production. Even when the character is engaged in an action scene, Depp can be seen in full makeup.
‘Lone Ranger’: New Images and Official Poster ReleasedDisney has released a handful of images from The Lone Ranger, a film starring Johnny Depp as Tonto that will be released in 2013, as well as the movie’s official poster. In this re-imagined version of the story, which started as a radio serial in the 1930s, Depp’s Tonto will not be a mere sidekick to the Lone Ranger, played by Armie Hammer. “It’s a dysfunctional buddy movie,” director Gore Verbinski says, according to USA Today. “It’s two guys who start literally and figuratively handcuffed together who end up on the same mission with completely different world views. They sort of rub off on one another. But they have plenty of disagreements.” Verbinski describes Depp’s Tonto, who is Comanche in this take on the tale, as “an odd-shaman, an outcast from his own tribe, who has created his own mystical world.” As previously reported by ICTMN, filming took place in scenic Monument Valley over the course of the summer.Comment:  As reported in Depp Speaks "Tonto Talk" in Trailer, Depp's Tonto does indeed speak his one line in ungrammatical English. As reported in Tonto as a "Spirit Warrior," he also waves his arms like an "odd-shaman... who has created his own mystical world." Of course, the Comanche didn't have shamans, and the shaman is the second most common Native movie stereotype. (The savage warrior is no. 1.) Nothing in the trailer suggests Depp will be able to pull off his crow-headed costume successfully. I kind of feel like laughing every time I see it. For more on the subject, see Blogger Attacked for Criticizing Depp and Depp Adopted by Comanches.

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