June 01, 2016

Native reactions to Redskins poll

As you might imagine, the Native responses to the Washington Post's Redskins poll were more vociferous than the non-Native responses:

After Damaging Washington Post ‘Redskins’ Poll, Change The Mascot Movement Moves On

Why Is This Still A Thing?: The Washington Post Releases New R*dskins Poll

NAJA and UNITY respond to recent Washington NFL team name poll

For Native American activists, a new Post poll on Redskins name won’t end their fight

Haskell faculty, students call Washington Redskins poll results ‘crazy’

Native Americans are crying foul at this poll saying native people don’t find the name ‘Redskins’ offensive

Blackhorse to Grads: ‘We’re Not Going to Take It Any More’

Skins Poll: Tribes Have Spoken, Which Is All That Matters

Blackhorse: A Single Poll Will Not Shut Us Up

For more on the Washington Redskins, see Initial Reactions to Redskins Poll and Washington Post Defends Redskins Poll.

1 comment:

  1. Chief Wise Tortoise9:51 PM

    Greetings Outlander,

    Ka-to-ma-kee (Greetings). First, I offer the thoughts of my people regarding this issue. Truly the term ‘redskin’ is na-ho-la-fee (offensive), but it is but a name. The Red Man has faced greater adversaries in this world and will overcome this one.

    I hope you will use this electrophonic letter of yours to further a cause for my people. You see, for many years now, our braves and squaws are being harassed by the local kwa-ho-tee-wa (white) people. They take our crops from us. They call us savage. They molest our totems.

    My people could easily declare war but we are a ha-ho-tee-pa (peaceful) people. We wish to resolve this issue in a way that sheds no blood. That is why I have come to you to ask you to be a mediator in this affair. You are an Outlander but you have spoken for the Red Man many times.

    Our home is the Flatheel Indian Reservation, in the western territories of Montana. May the spirit of the Great Sky Boar always be with you.


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