October 23, 2010

The magical power of intent

Intent!  It’s Fucking Magic!

By GenderBitchToday, someone said a slur. It actually doesn’t matter what slur it was, because you see, he didn’t intend to hurt anyone and therefore it couldn’t possibly be a slur. Much like how intent magically protects the actions of all privileged fuckjobs, intent means that anything you say, no matter how many groups it hurts, what awful views it enables, no matter what systemic bigotries it props up through the usage of language that enforces social concepts that crush a marginalized group, it mystically negates all of that.

So say, if you make a bunch of racist jokes, instead of contributing to the systemic oppression of POC, the bewitching might of Intent (I’m capitalizing the I now, to give it proper respect as a primary element) spreads out, blocking every single person from fully hearing the awful racist shit you just said, further preventing them from internalizing it and using it to justify actions. It also prevents it from creating an environment where racist behavior is seen as more acceptable, by twisting the very threads of fate there as well! And, the best part? If you say it in earshot of someone who’s offended or hurt by it, the occult powers of Intent change everything! Now, instead of hearing a hurtful slur or sentiment that reminds of past abuses at the hands of privileged fuckjobs, the marginalized person in question only hears the beautiful natural sound of birds chirping. Or whale noises! Because you see, Intent is just that powerful. It literally keeps anyone from getting hurt by your fuckery!
Comment:  We hear the "intent" excuse constantly from defenders of TV shows such as The Dudesons, comic books such as SCALPED, Halloween costumes, hipster headdresses, sports mascots, etc. Amazingly, a stereotyper's intent turns a offensive stereotype into a harmless image. It's magic!

Take Birth of a Nation, Gone with the Wind, or Amos 'n' Andy. Critics have denounced them for their offensive portrayals of blacks. But the creators didn't intend to offend anyone. Therefore, these productions aren't racist or stereotypical. The critics must've been imagining things.

In fact, racism and stereotyping basically don't exist. How do we know this? Because almost no one intends to be a racist or stereotyper. And how do we know that? Because they told us so. "I didn't mean to offend anyone"...so voilá, the offense magically disappears. Except for a confessed criminal, perhaps, no one has ever done anything wrong.

For more on the subject, see Why Minstrel Shows Are Wrong and Stereotypes as Mental Maps.

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