December 31, 2011

Racism review 2011

Indian Country Today notes five instances of racism against Indians in 2011:

It Didn’t Go Away in 2011: Racism Continued

I covered all of them in Newspaper Rock, but I wouldn't say these were the five worst examples. The "Geronimo" codename controversy certainly qualifies, but any list that doesn't include Bryan Fischer's bigoted columns is deficient.

More year-end reviews from ICTMN:

2011’s Memorable Quotes: Good and Bad Part 1

2011’s Memorable Moments in Politics

I covered many of these stories and included many of the quotes here--basically all the ones that dealt with pop culture. I try to my good readers informed.

For more on racism, see Natives Experience Racism Every Day and Subtle Racism = Psychological Torture.

Below:  The Bigot of the Year winner.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Fischer confuses me. Most of these Focus on the Family types end up being exactly what they hate. (See, for instance, every last "ex-gay" ever.) But I can't see him being Indian in any way.


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