March 13, 2011

Preview of Stormwalker

Book Review:  Stormwalker

Navajo heroine is not your average rez girl

S.W. Benally
Mix a young Navajo woman with dragons, goddesses and gods, shape-shifters, a love of motorcycles and more than one mystery and you have the book Stormwalker. With several titles under her belt, Allyson James is one of a growing group of writers falling under the genre of "paranormal romance." James might be a romantic, but she clearly loves a good mystery.

Arizona provides a rich canvas for the story of Janet Begay, a "stormwalker" who channels the power of lightning through her body in a battle against her real mother, an evil goddess trapped in the world below. Her allies in this battle include Mick--no last name--a dark-haired biker; Coyote himself; a Navajo shape-shifter and a talking magic mirror.

Unlike the heroine of traditional romances, Janet is far more than a helpless female waiting for a man to come along and take charge of her future. She is smart, strong and fast and prefers to pilot her own motorcycle. She has her own clearly defined goals and for the most part pursues them with singular passion despite strong distractions thrown her way.
Comment:  For more on Native fantasies, see Developing Native Steampunk, Intersection of Fantasy & Native America, and Wyrwood Nominated for Awards.

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