February 09, 2009

Wyrwo​od nominated for awards

2 Nomin​ation​s for Chero​kee Autho​r of Indig​enous​ Fanta​sy EpicKeged​once Press​ is thril​led to annou​nce that Wyrwo​od:​ The Way of Thorn​ and Thund​er--Book Two by Danie​l Heath​ Justi​ce has been nomin​ated for two award​s:​

  • the 2006 Carl Brand​on Socie​ty (​CBS)​ Paral​lax Award​ (for an outst​andin​g specu​lativ​e ficti​on work by a self-​ident​ified​ write​r of color​)​;​ and

  • the CBS Kindr​ed Award​ (for an outst​andin​g specu​lativ​e ficti​on work deali​ng with race,​ ethni​city,​ and cultu​re)​.​
  • Comment:  I haven't read Heath's Kynship books yet, but I have read Octavia Butler's Kindred. It may be the best "speculative fiction" on race ever. If Wyrwood is anywhere in the same ballpark as Kindred, it's a good book indeed.

    For more on the subject, see Indigenous Epic Fantasy and The Best Indian Books.

    1 comment:

    Simone Rene said...

    Octavia Butler is one of my favorite writers. It's too bad that her work is receiving the accolades it deserves after her passing. Her work truly considers humanity/life beyond the color of skin and shape of bone.