By Dr. Dean Chavers
Paperback, 248 pages | $32.95 | 978-1-4331-0393-3 | 2009
In the face of huge challenges, despite crushing social conditions, Indian people have survived. Racism in Indian Country exposes, for the first time, the degrading and inhuman treatment Indian people have had—and continue—to endure. This book provides numerous examples including the sterilization of thousands of Indian women without their consent, and the poor treatment Indians receive in our schools, resulting in the worst academic records—and the highest dropout rate, 50 percent—of any ethnic group. Subjected to constant harassment by anti-Indian groups, and banks and other lending institutions that either raise interest rates on loans to Indians or redline their reservations, Indians receive some of the most racist treatment in the United States. This book’s thorough documentation and explication of the challenges faced by Indians historically and today will be useful in courses in modern history, ethnic studies, sociology, and anthropology.
“Racism in Indian Country is years overdue. Dean Chavers presents a partial picture of racism, exposing the heart of Indian country. The rest of the picture is within the tribal structures of the federal hierarchy of institutional racism. Native Americans do not have constitutional protections to this day. The point is not to feel sorry for ourselves but for future generations to understand why problems exist on many reservations and within Indian communities. This is necessary history for the healing and recovery of Indian people. We need to break the cycle of slow death and start living again by understanding the underlying issues and organizing again and again to stop this destruction. This is a must read for all students of Native American history and those strong enough to search for the answers for recovering our world.”

Most people, across the racial spectrum, that I have encountered throughout my life (away from South Dakota) are absolutely aghast at the racism that the vast majority of Indian people have experienced and still experience in this country. For myself though - ALL SIGNS POINT TO RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA!
I cannot say it often enough.
You said it before in Most Racist Place in America? But feel free to keep saying it. <g>
Natives are a people bigger than conceptions of 'race'. The ideal of Race has a purpose to obscure the connections between the people of Eurasian.
Put down the pop culture and look around you.
I know that race is a social construct, Anonymous. I've posted about this point in Who Invented White People? and other places.
But the fact that it's artificial doesn't mean it isn't significant. If it causes our economic, legal, medical, or educational systems to be unfair, it's significant regardless of its origin.
Anyway, if you disagree with the premise of Chavers's book, feel free to write him about it. Let us know how he responds, okay?
Yes, "savages" is the most common Native stereotype, Anonymous. Did you have a point to make, or is that it?
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