September 01, 2013

NECA's Lone Ranger toys

The commercialization of Johnny Depp's Tonto continues. Apparently Disney has licensed this company NECA to make all sorts of "Lone Ranger" junk items.

Indeed, licensing may have been a major factor in convincing Disney to make the movie. A hot property can be a cash cow, enriching the studio with sales of video games, toys, costumes, action figures, jewelry, etc.

The Lone RangerNative American spirit warrior Tonto recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid, a man of the law, into a legend of justice.Here are some of the worst offenders among the items:

The Lone Ranger–7″ Scale Action Figure–Series 2
The Lone Ranger–1/4 Scale Figure–Tonto (Case 2)
The Lone Ranger–Head Knocker–“Tonto”
The Lone Ranger–Men’s “Tonto” Costume
The Lone Ranger–Women’s “Tonto” Costume
The Lone Ranger–Prop Replica “Tonto” Headdress

Needless to say, these items perpetuate the movie's false and stereotypical representation of Indians. And the items don't include any explanations of Tonto's character--nothing about how he's half-crazed and not a typical Indian. Buyers have no reason to believe this Tonto isn't a genuine Indian--especially if they recall the assurances from Disney, Depp, and the Comanche Nation.

For more on Johnny Depp and Tonto, see Tonto Costume at Comic-Con, Racist Car Ad Features Tonto Ripoff, and Disney Store Sells Tonto Costumes.

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