February 22, 2013

TransCanada sponsors powwow, awards

TransCanada Platinum Sponsor: Indspire Awards & Thundering Hills Powwow Immediate ReleaseTransCanada appears to be selectively distributing its funds into First Nations communities with its recent “partnership” in the Indspire Awards (formerly the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards) and its Platinum “sponsorship” of the upcoming Thundering Hills Powwow on July 5, 6, & 7th hosted by the Nekaneet First Nation.

Could TransCanada be seeking to stifle Indigenous communities’ opposition to the Tar Sands and the XL pipeline?

TransCanada is the Canadian oil and gas company behind the purposed XL pipeline that would bring Tar Sands oil from Alberta to Texas crossing First Nation and Tribal communities along the way. Opposition to the Tar Sands and the XL pipeline has been strong from various grassroots Indigenous communities and environmental activists including a recent gathering of tribal Nations in Yankton to sign the “International Treaty to Protect the Sacred from Tar Sands and Keystone XL” and the 40,000 plus gathering of activists who descended on D.C. recently to call on President Obama to reject the XL pipeline.

We call on all Tribal Nations, to reject TransCanada’s attempts to “buy” support for its XL pipeline and other Tar Sands related projects. Projects that not only will cause significant damage to the very tribal communities it is “investing” in, but cause irreversible damage to our planet and first mother Maka Ina.

Let us reject major corporations that are causing reprehensible damage to our communities, homelands, health and welfare from funding powwows, award shows, or any other related activities or events. Call on the Nekaneet First Nation to drop TransCanada as its Platinum sponsor.
Natives respond

This announcement spread quickly on Facebook. Natives were surprised to learn the Nekaneet First Nation of Saskatchewan had partnered with TransCanada. Some of their reactions:Divide and conquer...the wolf in sheep's clothing....

WOW, let me sponsor your powwow and while your having a good time, I'll be sucking the LIFE out of the very ground your dancing on ! Better yet, I'll bribe and payoff your relatives and tribal leaders into taking my sponsorship and THEY will convince you it is for the best. Classic move TRANSCANADA, get the Indians to do themselves in, a move right out of the old history books. NOT THIS TIME TRANSCANADA! NOT THIS TIME!

Money talks and by the looks of this flyer, money has reeled em in!

WTH!! Why can't TransCanada realize that the IDLE NO MORE movement is based on their terribleness, insensitivity to the land. And unfortunately their money will bring NDN people to their thoughts.

WTF!!!! Our people have gone the way of the white man GREED!!!!
Comment:  For more on the Keystone XL pipeline, see Hunger Strike Against Keystone XL Pipeline and Protesters Block Trucks on Pine Ridge.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    She so needs to be a "What the hell were you thinking?" reaction face.

    Um, yeah, this is like if the tobacco industry donated money to the American Cancer Society. No, just no.


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