By Rmuse
Ever since the tragic slaughter of twenty children and 6 adults in Newtown Connecticut, the NRA and so-called uber-patriot gun fanatics have ratcheted up fear that President Obama’s appeal for gun safety laws is the first step toward outlawing firearms that elicited threats of a civil or revolutionary war against the government. Many of the same people advocating for rebellion have also trumpeted a “coming race war” because an African American man occupies the White House. Over the past month, a plethora of right-wing maniacs began warning gun owners and racists the President’s gun safety proposals are a precursor to all manner of fallacious scenarios, but none as disturbing as the contention the President is raising a private black army to massacre white Americans, or that gun control is a devious plot to make it easier to massacre hundreds-of-thousands of unarmed citizens.
These allegations would be laughable except that with a large segment of the population fearful of losing their guns and freedom to a Black President, coupled with escalating calls for a race war, the prospect of frenzied, angry, and fearful Americans mobilizing and opening fire is becoming worrisome. The common thread in antagonizing gun owners to action is the result of over four years of NRA propaganda the President will seize Americans’ guns, and it provoked a tea party “Day of Resistance Rally” held yesterday, 2/23 to signify the .223 caliber round used in the Sandy Hook massacre, and to show their assembly was “against President Obama.” The rallies were scheduled to take place in 100 cities across America, and in at least one Pennsylvania city, the special day included an “open-carry walk.”
Last Tuesday, Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America, asserted President Obama will start confiscating guns to provoke a violent response to justify further oppression, and incarcerate hundreds-of-thousands of gun owning patriots. Pratt also said the President is acting like King George III and will use his authority to “wipe those people out to set an example.” Another right-wing maniac concurred with Pratt and said “I believe they will put together a racial force to go against an opposite race resistance, basically a black force to go against a white resistance, and then they will claim anyone resisting the black force they are doing it because they are racist.” Pratt concluded the meeting of the minds with a warning to President Obama that “a lot of people resolved, that if Obama starts playing the massacre game the way you did at Waco, well, you’re going to get surrounded, you won’t be able to go home safely, your family won’t be safe.”
Last month, Buster Wilson of the American Family Association warned that President Obama was ready to establish a dictatorship and “start killing conservatives and Christians who oppose his administration” based on nothing more than an overactive imagination. However, all of these attempts to whip up armed resistance against President Obama, although insane, are in part because he won re-election, and like Republicans, right-wingers see their power and influence waning as more Americans understand the President is doing the job he was elected to do and looking out for all Americans. It is appalling that conspiracy theorists, disaffected evangelical maniacs, and gun fanatics incite fear and opposition to the legally elected President, but it has been a longstanding Republican practice. Last month Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent out a frantic letter to gun owners warning that the President was “coming to get your guns” to provoke opposition to the President, and not just gun safety laws.
The Republicans, teabaggers, and neo-conservatives are like dying, critically wounded beasts who will lash out at anyone, even if they are attempting to help them, and it explains conservatives voting against their own interests, and supporting Republican policies that benefit the wealthiest Americans and their corporations. Republicans have spent over four years portraying the President as a foreigner, and not one of us “real Americans” that Willard Romney propagated during his failed run for president, and it demonstrates the desperation of a minority of Americans whose opposition to the President is founded in racial animus and little else.

"Race war"? Someone better tell them that's what Charlie Manson predicted. So, they're at least as insane as that, but perhaps not insane enough to go on a Hollywood murder spree, yet.
What about the race war against native peoples yesterday, today and tomorrow? Maybe its more of a "white guilt" considering the hand in the cookie jar is not a white hand anymore. If anyone is to blame, its god's fault. He is shrinking the white race for the millions of Indians they killed, and continue to treat the living ones left?
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