September 22, 2014

South Park mocks "Redskins"

‘South Park’ mocks DC football team in ad targeting hometown fans: Your name is ‘offensive to us’

By Tom BoggioniComedy Central ordered up a very specific promotional ad for the network’s South Park show, mocking the Washington Redskins nickname controversy, and then running the ad only in the DC market for the hometown fans to see.

According to SBNation, the ad ran during the fourth quarter of the ‘Skin’s game against the Philadelphia Eagles.

The one-minute promo shows team owner Daniel Snyder confronting Eric Cartman over using the Redskins name for his new company.

“In the name of decency I am asking that you please stop using the name Washington Redskins to your company, ” Snyder says, adding ” You have no right to get attention.”
Comedy Central Takes on Dan Snyder in South Park’s 18th Season Premiere: Teaser Ran in Commercial during Washington/Philadelphia NFL GameComedy Central weighed in on the Washington NFL’s team name controversy during the Washington vs. Philadelphia game in a commercial aired Sunday afternoon.

FOX aired the one-minute ad promoting the premiere of the 18th season of “South Park” during a fourth-quarter commercial that was seen in the Washington D.C. area only.

The ad was a teaser for the episode that will air Wednesday. The ad is a parody of Washington NFL team owner Dan Snyder’s claim that that his continued usage of the R-word for the Washington football team is to honor American Indians.

In the upcoming episode Cartman is running a business named as the same name as the Washington NFL team. Dan Snyder finds it offensive. Cartman is doing it to “honor” Snyder and the football team.

For more on South Park, see Native Canadians in South Park, "Tardicaca Indians" in South Park, and South Park: "Red Man's Greed."

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