It's a potentially big moment in the history of American race relations. Some postings on the subject:
The GOP’s delusional Charleston outrage shows just how desperate it has become
From "n-word" handwringing to ludicrous complaints about "politicizing" a tragedy, Republicans have totally lost it
By Heather Digby
A handful of major companies and red states are ditching the flag en masse. But this isn't courage. Far from it
By Bob Cesca
Worse yet, it required the deaths of nine African-American parishioners in Charleston to finally begin to consider downplaying the flag. It should never have come to this, and every state—every retailer—that waited until after Dylann Roof opened fire before reconsidering the appropriateness of the flag should be justifiably shamed and scolded, rather than applauded.
Ultimately, if the South really, really desperately needs a symbol of its regional heritage, why not a mint julep or a pecan log from Stuckey’s? It doesn’t matter as long as it’s not that flag. The war is over. The Confederacy lost. And now’s the time to finally take ownership of what happened; to own what the flag really stands for. Enough of this childish cowering behind bogus, manufactured symbolism. Let the Confederate flag burnings commence in earnest, and dedicate each one to an African-American man, woman and child who was wronged under the symbolism of that banner.

New/old flag to replace the Stars and Bars in the Confederate South.

The Southern heritage...of white supremacy.
The ‘Southern Avenger’ Repents: I Was Wrong About the Confederate Flag
States’ rights? Heritage? I was wrong: The Confederate flag has always been about race.
"And that's okay by me," Paul might've added. "Slavery is the natural result of unrestrained capitalism aka libertarianism, and that's the god I worship."
Fox Panel Debates Whether Removal of Confederate Flag Is 'A Slippery Slope'
Removing the flag is "sterilizing history"? So keeping the flag is meant to remind us that the South's racist rebellion was based on slavery? I don't think so.

Let's remember the white stuff and forget the black and Native stuff!

Get over it, Confederate crybabies!

For more on the subject, see Natives React to Charleston Shootings and Conservatives Can't Handle Roof's Racism.
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