Today we're all Vulcan. Except Republicans. They're Romulan.
I was going to say Ferengi, but I think Romulan is more apt.
Ferengi is like the libertarian sub-class of the galaxy. Making money off people's backs without noticing that the imperial stormtroopers are threatening to take over and put everyone who disobeys in death camps.
Talkin' about Spock
This led to the following discussion:
Can you imagine what Mr. Spock would say about those who deny evolution and believe in angels? "Even for your species, Captain, these people are infantile."
In fact, his credo of IDIC is the liberal credo. Which is why liberals are mourning Nimoy and conservatives aren't.
An illogical Republican
Then I tweeted the following:
Conservatives denounce IDIC as socialist Kenyan Muslim propaganda--fail to realize it comes from a 1960s TV show. #RIP #LiveLongandProsper
#RepublicanSpock says: Scientists like me are evil. We falsify our results for personal gain. Don't trust us; trust the Ferengi instead.
I wouldn't have thought anyone was dumb enough to contradict this. But one Republican dared to claim Spock:
No, GOP Rep. Bill Post, Mr. Spock Was Not A Republican (VIDEO)
By Wendy Gittleson
“Today,” Post said, “is a sad day in history. Today, the greatest Republican in the history of the galaxy, passed away. He was a legal alien who believed in prosperity.”
Wow, someone seriously thought Nimoy was or Spock would be a Republican? How stupid and illogical can you get?
While you're at it, tell us how George Takei, gay activist, and Nichelle Nichols, friend of Martin Luther King Jr., are also Republicans.
Spock "believed in prosperity"...why, because he dedicated his life to working as a scientist and ambassador in the Federation government? Because he had zero interest in anything but pursuing truth and justice? Because he led a monkish lifestyle and literally dressed like a monk later in life?
The Federation doesn't even use money. It freely gives food and medicine to planets in need. If anything, it's pure socialism in action. Presumably its citizens, including Spock, believe in its socialist-democratic model.
This is right up there with claiming King was a Republican. There's no better proof that Republicans are self-deluded idiots.
As for Nimoy, he's a Jew who did a play about a homosexual relationship in prison. Who photographed a series on women's body issues. He's like the least Republican person ever.
Commenters rip Rep. Post
The commenters on YouTube ripped Post to pieces:
Uh no. Leonard Nimoy was a lifelong Democrat and Spock was a socialist but thanks for reminding people how clueless the GOP is and how quickly Republicans and conservatives with capitalize on someone's misfortune in order to make their own.
Appropriate, since you live in a fantasy. I attended a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer that Leonard Nimoy spoke at. He invoked his most famous character many times in regards to debunking GOP policies on the environment and other topics. FYI, there was universal healthcare in Starfleet.
Nimoy was a Democrat. Star Trek is what perfect socialism would look like.
For more on the subject, see Leonard Nimoy Dies.

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