August 08, 2014

Redskins OAF seeks Zuni art

Redskins foundation seeks Native artwork with team logo

By Erik BradyWanted: Native artwork, preferably of a specific sort.

The Zuni Pueblo tribe sent notice to Native artists that representatives of the Washington NFL team's Original Americans Foundation will be in Zuni, N.M., on Monday afternoon to buy jewelry, pottery, etchings and other artwork.

"Preferred items will be those that have the Washington Redskins team logo, or use of team colors … embedded in the art work," the notice says. It also asks artists to "spread the word" to others who may have logo art to sell.

"We have a very depressed economy and the (tribal) governor wanted to help local Zuni artists," tribal administrator Hanna Weeke told USA TODAY Sports. She said buyers often insist artists cut their prices but she believes foundation buyers will pay in full.
Redskins Want Native-Made Redskins Art. No Drunk Artists, PleaseOn Monday, August 11, representatives of the Washington Redskins will be visiting Zuni Pueblo, but they're not coming to build a skate park or hand out blankets.

They want Native-made artwork and crafts, particularly stuff that promotes the Redskins team brand. A letter bearing the logo of Zuni Pueblo has invited artists to show their wares at the Zuni Tribal Conference room. After providing some details, the letter ends with the instructions "Be respectful when you arrive. Do not smell of alcohol, marijuana, or be under the influence."

On Twitter, Last Real Indians gave the following interpretation: "Hey Indians, we want to buy your trinkets esp if they have Redskins logo. but don't show up drunk or high --Dan Snyder"

"'Be respectful when you arrive.' Is there any self-awareness there?" responded another Twitter user.
Wanted: Native Art With Redskins Logo And Colors; Drunks Need Not Apply

By Sean NewellThe Zuni Pueblo's governor's office announced the event in a letter posted to its Facebook page. In the last line, the letter asks that people not show up drunk or stoned. "Be respectful," the letter directs.

People on Zuni Pueblo's Facebook page are obviously upset—when was the last time your local art fair asked the artists not to show up drunk?—and there are levels to this thing. Do you want to sell some of your art? Well, you better include a slur against yourself if you want some cash. Oh, also don't be drunk. Sell your racist-stereotype crafts, people of Zuni; just don't be one yourself.

One response to the Facebook post put a neat bow on all of it.I am tired of people claiming that there are bigger issues in Native America. Are we all so blind that we cannot see that everything is connected? We are in the positions we are in because no one in the external world views us as real human beings who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. And guess what? Part of that problem is letting them go on pretending that we are either drunks, noble savages or mascots.

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