January 07, 2007

Navajo the gay-friendly service

Navajo on the war path over gay rights charterThe days of smoke signals and beating drums may be long gone, but the ancient Navajo nation is incensed with a collection of bureaucrats 5,000 miles away in Britain.

Councils, police, health trusts and the probation service are all using the tribe's name to promote the "well-being" of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals.

More than 100 organisations have obtained the Navajo charter mark under a scheme set up to ensure that they are "gay-friendly".

1 comment:

Rob said...

This seems like a variation of the "noble savage" or "eco-warrior" stereotype. Namely, the idea that Natives are purer of heart than the rest of us--more tolerant of people who are different.

If that was ever true, I doubt it's true now. Since Americans have cheated them so often, I bet Native people are less open and trustful than average.

I bet this is especially true of their attitude toward gays. Since many Natives have become conservative Christians, they share the Bible thumpers' doubts and fears.