October 01, 2007

The annual parade protest

Columbus tensions anewThe American Indian Movement of Colorado, which opposes the parade as a "symbol of racism," issued a vitriolic press release last week that was threatening in tone and suggested a confrontation with parade supporters. It branded the Italian-Americans who celebrate their culture and long history in Colorado that day as "racists"—a vile and unnecessary attack.

"If these racists, including those in the local and state governments, think they are going to celebrate the genocide against Native peoples in our homeland for another 100 years, they are mistaken," said Colorado AIM spokesman Glenn Morris. "We will see the racists in the streets on Oct. 6."
Comment:  And so it begins....

Check out the excellent comment by "Penelope Pitstop" at the end of the article. And see This Ain't No Party, This Ain't No Disco:  A Columbus Day Rant for more on the subject.

1 comment:

writerfella said...

Writerfella here --
One only will have to read writerfella's story, "BeachHead," in either of the next two issues of REDSKIN Magazine to see the true significance of the Columbus landing in the New World.
Otherwise, know that a calendar received by writerfella from a mainstream bank for 1999 completely eliminated the 12th of October from among its pages! writerfella saved that calendar and it stays on that page one one wall in TheBatesMotel...
All Best
Russ Bates