Blessman traveled to Utah approximately four months ago and actually lived in a cave for some time, Wallentine said. He claims he was ordained a tribal police officer for the group.
Because of his alleged dual Indian background, Blessman tried telling state officials they had no authority to arrest him, Wallentine said.
"First off, you can't buy your way into an Indian tribe. And even if you could, you still can't commit a crime," Wallentine said. "I tried to help him understand he wasn't really (an Indian)." As for the Utah group, Wallentine said even though they are a self-proclaimed tribe, they are not recognized by any state, federal or even tribal organization.

Writerfella here --
Maybe so, but Rob still is waiting for his Green River $20 checks!
All Best
Russ Bates
That's the hairiest Indian I've ever seen.
Why do they all have to think they're CHEROKEE? Couldn't he pretend to be Cheyenne or Hopi or Potawatomi?
They all think Cherokee because the Cherokee of Oklahoma have no blood quantum, that's why you see blond hair and blue eyes. You can have 1/1000th Cherokee and still be considered Indian under the law. Unlike the Hopi or Cheyenne who go by (I'm guessing here) 1/4 blood quantum. Even with 1/4 most Indians will look Indian or at best retain some Indian features.
Writerfella here --
Hey, guys, you forgot the Seminoles of Florida (NOT Oklahoma) whose blood quantum is 1/1024th. And then there are the Chickasaws whose blood quanta could not withstand a high wind in Oklahoma! If Rob Schmidt stood downwind of a group of Chickasaws in that same wind, HE could claim Chickasaw just because he breathed the same air!
All Best
Russ Bates
I don't know if the "group near Green River" claims to be Cherokee. Since the group is in Utah, that wouldn't make much sense.
Re "Rob still is waiting for his Green River $20 checks!" Your assertion is stupid, as usual.
As for the Seminoles' membership requirements, this posting may help you out:
The membership of the Seminole Tribe of Florida shall consist of the following:
SECTION 1. Any person of Seminole Indian blood whose name appears on the Census Roll of the Seminole Agency of January 1, 1957, shall be eligible for enrollment, regardless of blood quantum or place of residence, upon written application to the Tribal Council, provided, that within five years after the approval of this Constitution and Bylaws the Census Roll may be corrected by the Seminole Tribal Council.
SEC. 2. Any child, of Seminole Indian blood, born to a parent or parents either or both whose names appear on the Census Roll of the Seminole Agency of January 1, 1957, shall be eligible for enrollment, regardless of blood quantum or place of residence, upon written application to the Tribal Council.
SEC. 3. Any descendant of Seminole Indian blood of a person whose name appears on the Census Roll of the Seminole Agency of January 1, 1957, shall be eligible for enrollment, regardless of blood quantum or place of residence, upon written application to the Tribal Council.
Here is a quote from a news article about the allege rapist being Cherokee.,5143,695218527,00.html
"While in Iowa, Wallentine said, Blessman paid someone a "substantial amount of money" to convert him into a Cherokee Indian. He then encouraged Blessman to go to Utah to hide out with a group near Green River that claims to be an Indian tribe."
99% of these self-proclaimed Indian tribes always say they're Cherokee. You know the ones that hid out and were undiscovered until recently.
Writerfella here --
If writerfella were Rob, he too would be acrimonious that there was such an obvious 'paper trail' involved...
All Best
Russ Bates
I guess you have no response to your apparent mistake about the Seminoles, Russ? So noted.
If I were you, I'd be posting comments that made sense. Instead you're posting nonsense.
I can't imagine what "paper trail" you're talking about. Perhaps you've been hitting the sauce again.
I'm not "acrimonious" about anything except your stupid lies about my source of income. Keeping posting the lies and I'll keep calling you a liar.
I quoted the same paragraph in my original posting, Anonymouse. My question is why would someone "buy" a Cherokee membership, then go hide in Utah, where there aren't any Cherokee groups. Why not hide with one of the pseudo-Cherokee groups in the Midwest or the South?
Writerfella here --
writerfella responds only to such matters as deserve a response. Otherwise he goes on being The PointKiller, a spirit that once wrote graffiti on The Tree Of Life, and designed The Tower of Babel, and was the weather wizard who approved the launch of The Spanish Armada, and who was the Man From Poorlock for poor Coleridge, and who countersigned the most recent set of checks Rob got from the Pequots...
All Best
Russ Bates
Curiously, direct questions to you never seem to "deserve" a response. The term for that is intellectual cowardice.
As for your comment about getting checks from the Pequots, it's another bald-faced lie. Apparently you're too stupid to understand plain English, Russ. Amazing how you ever became a writer with your obvious comprehension problems.
Let's note that we don't even know who the "Green River" group is, but you assumed they were a legitimate Indian tribe with a casino. In other words, stupidity on top of stupidity. When you fabricate something about my source of income, liar, I suggest you stick to real tribes, at least.
Does it bother me that when people search for "Russell Bates," they'll increasingly find your name associated with the word "liar"? No. Does it bother you? If you don't mind that future generations consider you a liar, I don't either.
Writerfella here --
Once again, Rob, your rhetoric reveals itself to be fallacious, if only because the words you cite CANNOT BE FOUND in any Google search of the name 'Russell Bates.' Neither is that other word that you bandied about so willfully. There is a psychological matter called 'projection' wherein a given individual's response to such terms being applied to himself somehow becomes directed against those with whom he disagrees. If you can show that any of the three words you so easily expressed can be found in such searches, show them here on this site. And then writerfella will give you a cookie for each such finding. Your glass of milk is about to go wanting...
All Best
Russ Bates
Writerfella here -
POSTSCRIPTUM -- Oops, writerfella meant to say, 'soy milk...'
All Best
Russ Bates
Are you kidding? Are you literally so inept that you can't do a Google search?
Try searching for "russell bates liar." The first entry that appears is this very thread. Oops.
Here, I'll do the search(es) for you, since you apparently can't. Click on these links and see what happens:
russell bates liar
russ bates liar
writerfella liar
In short, your name is already associated with the word "liar." The more you continue lying, the more people will learn of your lies.
Enjoy your notoriety, chum(p). You've earned it.
Re "If you can show that any of the three words you so easily expressed can be found in such searches, show them here on this site":
It's done. You lose. Send the cookies to me at my address.
Man, I'm going to be sick. It's ALWAYS Cherokee. Always. It's true though that many try to claim Cherokee and not another tribe because they think they can claim falsely to have refugee ancestors. It's gone way past getting old at this point.
The Government is NOT the authority over who is or is not a Native American...your ancestors are the ONLY one who can do that.
So going by this article..if your ancestors did not sign over land...then your not a "indian" lol hahaha what a load bull hahahaha
The guy in the picture defiently look at least part Native.
Tribes and other Native communities are the primary deciders of who's an Indian. They haven't spoken in this case.
Nor have any of Wallentine's ancestors declared him an Indian. All we have is the assertion of a self-proclaimed Cherokee "tribe" that seems to be selling memberships.
Let us know if any Indians recognize this Green River group as actual Indians. Until then, Wallentine and his associates are just white wannabes.
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