Native Americans claim religious-liberty right to kill eaglesWith the population of bald eagles now high enough that they're no longer protected under the federal Endangered Species Act, some American Indians in Wyoming say the federal government shouldn't require them to get permission to kill the birds for religious ceremonies.
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver is scheduled to hear arguments next month about whether to reinstate a criminal charge against Winslow Friday. He's a member of the Northern Arapaho tribe who shot a bald eagle on the Wind River Reservation in 2005 for use in his tribe's Sun Dance.Comment: For more on the subject, see
Hopi Smothering of Eaglets.
Writerfella here --
And to think that Benjamin Franklin came TH-A-A-A-T CLOSE to seeing the turkey become the National Bird! The only one who would have escaped arrest on Thanksgiving for klling the National Bird would have been George Bush!
All Best
Russ Bates
Bush pardons the birds, and does not shoot them. Unless they are quayle. I know he likes to quayle-hunt.
Probably it would have been Cheney who would be escape arrest for shooting a turkey by mistake while aiming at an attorney.
Writerfella here --
Let's hope it wouldn't be his own attorney when the rest of this nation discovers that the Bush Administration made BILLION$ from Gulf War II, and will not have paid taxes on any of it! Unless Cheney finally has to pay those taxes, and then - BAM! -
All Best
Russ Bates
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