The Christians then gleefully reported back to their respective tiny kingdoms that the New World was peopled by red-demon worshipers, but they could be saved for X amount of money, and could you send it in care of the Pope (or whatever head of state)? Of course, the countries of the invaders had their own problems at home, they were running out of dry wood with which to burn witches, warlocks and the like.
When the invaders encountered our Native Nations and the Aztec and Mayan peoples they saw nothing of the ancient, amazing, sophisticated civilizations we had created. No, they chose to see and report the occasional human sacrifice to the Gods. And this is different from burning people alive and a weekly ‘drinking the blood and eating the body of Christ’? How? Yeah, some of you may be mad right now but if you read this column and know where I’m coming from, you will at least give it some thought and consideration. Please.
Because I am still really angry about Mel Gibson’s movie, “Apocalypto.”
The other day I was in Blockbuster and I asked my son Steve if he had ever seen that movie. “No,” he sez, “but I heard it was really good!” Action, adventure, gore and blood yes, any American male would find it entertaining. The truth of it is that the story and so-called facts are wholly and entirely inaccurate, to put it very nicely. As a matter of fact it is so full of #*^%&(*&*(& and *^%@%4r%% that I got in a major fight with a friend who also thought it was a good movie. And he’s Mexican.
There just ain’t nothing funny about being Indian and allowing the invader’s descendants to lie about our Native origins! The collective world population accepts them as fact, not the fiction it is. We have to step up, put a stop to the horrifyingly grisly stories like Mel Gibson’s sanctimonious ‘Apocalypto’ and tell them ourselves.
Mel Gibson, Steven Spielberg, and other filmmakers are part of America's media-industrial complex. Part of their mission is to promote that the idea that Judeo-Christian beliefs are true and Native beliefs aren't. Hence we get movies such as The Passion of the Christ, Apocalypto, and the Indiana Jones flicks.
Below: He died in The Passion of the Christ so that Natives could repent their heathen ways. Since they didn't do as he wished, his followers came to America in Apocalypto to enforce God's will. His followers are still sending emissaries into the wilderness to convert pagans such as those in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Writerfella here --
Of course, it isn't easy being Native in the 21st Century because we are survivors of the most terrifying genocide that EuroMan ever undertook. But there are other forms of that same genocide that ordinarily have not been considered: the genocide of ideas, the genocide of philosophy, the genocide of the intellect. and the genocide of identity. They want us to be Americans, they want us to be patriots, they want us to be Christians, they want us to be 'good citizens,' and so on. The very second that you bend to EuroMan's wishes or beliefs, you have lost. And that even would include substituting Native truths for EuroMan's interpretations of those truths. EuroMan is at odds with himself and Natives lose if they play that same game with EuroMan. Stop listening and simply watch; Euroman's game suddenly will become screamingly obvious, therefore. In fact, watch this very website for the matters of which writerfella has spoken...
All Best
Russ Bates
Re "The very second that you bend to EuroMan's wishes or beliefs, you have lost": That's hilarious considering how often you excuse white men who create stereotypical Native stories. You know, white men such as Gene Roddenberry, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Mel Gibson, Dick Wolf, and Larry McMurtry.
These are the people committing "genocide" against the idea of Natives as complex, cultured human beings. And you're the person promoting their "genocidal" efforts.
Not only is this hilarious, it's hypocritical. But I've explained that to you before and you still haven't gotten the point.
As for "watch this very website for the matters of which writerfella has spoken...," I have no idea what that means. As usual, your writing is unclear.
But as I've told you before, you're not going to use this blog as a vehicle for self-promotion. Not a chance.
Writerfella here --
And yes, even you, Rob Schmidt, are excused...
All Best
Russ Bates
"watch this very website for the matters of which writerfella has spoken..."
It could be a prophecy. Or one way to read it is that this blog in the future will feature comments from Writerfella on subjects he has already mentioned.
Writerfella here --
Nope, wrong again! The "prophecy" was that both Rob AND dMarks will play EuroMan's game as 'Little Sir Echoes', and it already has come true, right here and now, in the above...
All Best
Russ Bates
Re "The 'prophecy' was that both Rob AND dMarks will play EuroMan's game as 'Little Sir Echoes'": I'd worry about what this means, Russ, but it's as vague and meaningless as your previous statement on the subject. Fortunately, your writing is unclear enough that we can ignore many of your rants.
It goes without saying that "this blog in the future will feature comments from Writerfella on subjects he has already mentioned." As everyone knows, Russ constantly beats his own drum, toots his own horn, and flacks his own material to anyone who will listen. If he eliminated his repetitious and irrelevant comments, I'm guessing it would cut down his postings by 20-40%.
When Russ isn't flacking his own material, he's flacking the material of the great white fathers whom he worships. Namely, Roddenberry, Spielberg, and the other mega-successful creators he wishes he could be. It seems Russ has never met a stereotype he couldn't excuse or a butt he couldn't kiss. He'll turn himself into a redskin, literally or figuratively, if it means earning the white man's money and approval.
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