July 01, 2008

Whalers sentenced to jail

Two Makah Indians get jail time for illegal huntFive Makah Indian whalers who killed a gray whale in an illegal hunt last September were sentenced Monday in federal court. The sentences include jail time for two men considered the leaders of the group.

Wayne Johnson received five months in jail, and Andy Noel was sentenced to three months in jail. Both men also will be supervised for a year after their release, according to the U.S. attorney's office.

The other three men--Frankie Gonzales, Theron Parker and William Secor--received two years of probation and between 100 and 150 hours of community service.
Comment:  So two of the rogue whalers got more than the slap on the wrist promised previously, at least. That's good.

For more on the subject, see The Makah Whale-Hunt Controversy.

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