December 11, 2008

Cabeza de Vaca's trek

Speaking of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, I read his account of his eight-year trek across America. The account is decent, especially considering it was translated from 16th-century Spanish. But the trek wasn't that exciting. As I recall, it consisted of a lot of dirt, heat, bugs, walking, going hungry skirmishing with Natives, etc. I believe one tribe held Cabeza de Vaca as a slave for several years.

If Hollywood ever made a movie of this trek, it would have to "sex" it up. Cabeza de Vaca would fall in love with a beautiful Native girl. He'd rise to become the chief or shaman of his tribe. Then he'd be attacked by jealous rivals. He'd escape by performing some "feat of magic," such as predicting an eclipse. For details, see The Paradise Syndrome.

Rob's rating of the book: 7.0 of 10.

1 comment:

dmarks said...

"If Hollywood ever made a movie of this trek, it would have to "sex" it up"

A Jerry Bruckheimer production, it would feature canoes that blow up in massive fireballs when tipped over. The scene where he runs through a Native temple that is equipped with light-sensitive booby traps, being chased by a giant pinball, is also sure to be a hit.