Outrage in Indian Country as Redskins Owner Announces Foundation
"Our efforts will address the urgent challenges plaguing Indian country based on what Tribal leaders tell us they need most. We may have created this new organization, but the direction of the Foundation is truly theirs."
Such willingness to let Indians say what is most beneficial for Indians does not, obviously, extend to his football team's name.
Frank Waln @FrankWaln
Dan Snyder is scum of the earth
Lauren Chief Elk @ChiefElk
Countdown until "Dan Snyder is trying to help you and you guys aren't even grateful!"
Johnnie Jae @johnniejae
Apparently visiting 26 of 300+ reservations & bribing 400 tribal leaders means we should bow to our new savior Dan Snyder #notyourmascot
Team owner Daniel Snyder wrote that he believes “even more firmly now” in the team’s name. The backlash against the NFL franchise continues.
By Dan Oshinsky
Roopika Risam @roopikarisam
Every time I get an email with the subject line "A Letter from Dan Snyder" I should just start making popcorn.
Jon Solomon @jonsol
It's 2014 and Redskins owner Dan Snyder has just learned that many Native Americans live very difficult lives. http://t.co/qUQMeWZ7YB
Bobby Big Wheel @BobbyBigWheel
Dan Snyder wants to know how much money it'll take for you to let him be racist
Adrienne K. @NativeApprops
Dan Snyder is exploiting our pain and our poverty. Buying our silence. That's beyond effed up. #NotYourMascot
Dave Zirin @EdgeofSports
In his year of "listening" to Native Americans somehow Dan Snyder's Merry band missed every last tribal council that's called for change.
NCAI: True Support Of Indian Country Only Possible If DC Team Changes Name
However, this Foundation will only contribute to the problems in Indian Country if it does not also address the very real issue of how Native people are consistently stereotyped, caricaturized, and denigrated by mascot imagery and the use of the R-word slur. For Mr. Snyder and the Foundation to truly support and partner with Indian Country, they must first change the name of the DC team and prove that the creation of this organization isn’t just a publicity stunt.
Latest nickname outreach is a step, but without a direction
By Mike Wise
“By refusing to even acknowledge the people hurt by the name, he’s canceling out his own efforts. It feels so artificial to me.”
Judging by commentary in the mainstream media and sportswriting blogosphere, nobody was fooled. The formation of the Original Americans Fund (OAF, as it's being called) is a flea-flicker that didn't flick. A fumblerooski that turned out to be just a fumble. A Statue of Liberty that is waist-deep in sand.

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