By bahesmama
#Parents! #Librarians! Reject racist toys: #NotYourTonto

Native film prof calls Depp's Tonto "major setback" #NotYourTonto
No one is hurt? Research shows Indigenous children shown Native stereotypes lose "self esteem" and "belief in achievement." #NotYourTonto
tara zhaabowekwe @zhaabowekwe Mar 1
Talented Native actors are available, why the need for #redface? We're capable of representing ourselves onscreen. #NotYourTonto
Debbie Reese @debreese Mar 1
Spinoff bk 4 kids: "He had never seen a real Comanche Indian." That wasn't a real Comanche Indian! That is Depp in redface #NotYourTonto
Jessica Deer @Kanhehsiio Mar 1
Indigenous people are #NotYourTonto #NotYourPocahontas & #NotYourBigChief

The Lone Ranger reinforces & perpetuates the ideology that Indigenous ppl are one stereotyped monolith rooted in colonialism #NotYourTonto
Mags @Creekleo Mar 1
Art and words by powerful artists @WhatTRIBE @apachesk8boards change the status quo and turn big heads #notyourtonto
Frank Waln @FrankWaln Mar 2
Johnny Depp is nominated for best makeup in his portrayal of a white man dressed like what white ppl think an NDN looks like #NotYourTonto
I also contributed to the pre-Oscar fun with the following tweets:
Native movie roles (guesstimate): Lakota, Cheyenne, and other Plains Indians 70%; Navajo and Apache 30%; other tribes 10%. #NotYourTonto
"The Lone Ranger" wins a Razzie award for worst remake/rip-off or sequel. Johnny Depp is shut out. #NotYourTonto,0,5893779.story
'Movie 43' is named worst film of 2013 at the 34th Razzie Awards
Old white men of the Academy have an abysmal track record of honoring the work of minorities. #NotYourTonto #Oscars
The Academy and Diversity, by the Numbers
For more on the subject, see Twitter Storm Planned for Oscars and Razzie Nominations for Lone Ranger.
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