October 01, 2007

Suicide expert praises DARKNESS CALLS

We get (copies of) e-mail. In this case, an e-mail to Sean Muir of the Healthy Aboriginal Network:Sean,

Rob Schmidt sent a copy of your comic to me. I'm writing to let you know what a great job I think you did on it.

(I am copying this message to Rob, btw.)

I am actively involved in suicide awareness, educational, and prevention projects in the US, as well as grief support for those left behind after a suicide. I also own a small internet community (e-mail group) called Distant Drums, which is specifically for people who are Native American or Aboriginal who have lost someone they care about to suicide.

I am not usually a comic book reader, so I was not expecting too much when I began reading the comic, but I must tell you that I was impressed almost immediately, and by the time I finished, I was even more impressed with what you have created.

The fact your comic addressed bullying, in addition to depression and suicidal thoughts was great. The fact that the comic showed what a struggle it is to someone who is suicidal to fight the thoughts was also great, and the fact that the young man realized at the end that he had the power to change, within himself, was also excellent.

Of course, one size does not fit all, but this comic has the potential to make a great difference to many, in my opinion.

I will let the members of the Distant Drums know about your comic, and I'll also let my larger groups know, in case any of them have opportunities to reach out to educate Native Americans or anyone else who might relate to a comic.

I see that you are also working on comics on diabetes, staying in school and women's sexual health.

Suggestion: Since you seem to have a good grasp of bullying, have you thought about a comic focusing on bullying with hints for the victims on how to cope or defuse bullying behaviors?

If you'd like to see my website--and read about the Distant Drums group, go to www.pos-ffos.com and on the RIGHT sidebar, you will see the Distant Drums site listed. Click the link to get the information.

If I can help you, let me know.

Karyl, mother of Arlyn

Karyl Chastain Beal
Columbia, Tennessee

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