Stylistically, "Talking Wire" is a wonderful opening for the 39 beautiful watercolor and gouache treatments of American Indians by Farny and the dozens of beautiful Rookwood vases and plaques depicting Indians in the exhibit.
Thematically, however, the pathos of "Talking Wire" is an exception in the great body of Farny's work.
The vast majority of the scenes he so skillfully paints present the American Indian nostalgically, the way that white society, and potential white buyers, preferred to imagine them.

Writerfella here --
Hmm, there was a similar scene in MGM's HOW THE WEST WAS WON. Did the film precede the painting, or vice-versa?
All Best
Russ Bates
Since the painting was done in 1904, it preceded the movie.
Writerfella here --
Which, then, would explain the scene -- the film writer(s) had seen the painting! It also would represent the incestuous nature of film writing!
All Best
Russ Bates
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