By Chris Cassidy
“The out-of-state group in question is being promoted and supported by a right-wing extremist who is on the record supporting and contributing money to Scott Brown,” said Warren spokeswoman Alethea Harney. “It is past time we moved on to the important issues facing middle-class families in Massachusetts—even if Scott Brown won’t.”
Both Brown’s campaign and the Cherokees, who said they lean left politically, have denied the Brown campaign put them up to it. Harney referred to Cornell University Law Professor William Jacobson, who runs the conservative blog Legal Insurrection and contributed $500 to Brown during the special Senate election two years ago.
Jacobson, who has been in touch with the Cherokee activists and set up some media interviews for them, declined to comment when asked whether he was providing them with any financial support. The Cherokee group said it’s doing some fundraising — taking in about $160 from Facebook—but denied they’ve received any money from Republican groups or activists.
By Cole R. DeLaune
If the Warren campaign has any sources of evidentiary support to substantiate their dangerous implication that Ms. Barnes and her cohorts rely on the financial largesse of a Republican “extremist,” it bears a civic responsibility to disclose them. The views expressed in the conservative new media that has reported on the professor’s embarrassing pattern of evasions are, like those of any journalistic outlet, entirely the prerogative of each particular website, and anyone with the most elementary facility for deductive reasoning understands that a reply to a request for further comment from a news apparatus does not constitute a collaborative public relations strategy.
Since Indian Country Today has run almost 20 articles on the issue--all by Native reporters or columnists--the first part of this claim is easy to refute. As for the second part, Brown may have introduced the issue, but Warren's bungled explanations of the facts has kept it alive. If she had documented her claims or apologized for them, the issue would've died weeks ago.
For more on Elizabeth Warren, see Warren Benefited from White Privilege and Warren's Neon "Pick Me" Sign.
Below: "NOT GOING AWAY: Twila Barnes, left, a Cherokee genealogist, and Ali Sacks, a Cherokee from Oklahoma, want to meet with Elizabeth Warren." (Patrick Whittemore)

It's no surprise conservatives make political hay of this, just as it is no surprise that I hear things like the liberal who told me that in this, Warren is actually a victim of Natives. Not the other way around.
"Warren is actually a victim of Natives. Not the other way around."
Do you "actually" buy into that notion? From a politico, who harbored no interests in connecting, associating, socializing, or even bothered to take the time to get to know the actual people whom she purportedly "claims" ancestral lineage?
I thought my tone was clear from my comment that I do not buy into the idea that Warren is a victim of Natives. I actually find it ludicrous.
Well, tone doesn't show up online. You have to use an emoticon. ;)
Seriously, though, yeah, she's basically saying it's a front group. In other words, if Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit.
She's digging herself a deeper hole. If she hadn't lied about her heritage, and kept covering it up. making excuses, and lying about it more, she'd be in good shape. But instead she makes mistake after mistake after mistake.
Back to the original article: "while the Warren camp is charging that the Cherokees are doing Brown’s bidding."
Yeah, to Warren, Natives have no minds of their own, and any who object are part of a conspiracy. To her, Indians don't exist except as something in the past that can be used for advantage in a fraudulent ancestry claim, or something that Sen. Scott Brown cooks up in a laboratory like homunculi.
The tl;dr version: She's a politician. Politicians are entitled to their own facts.
DMarks said a liberal told him that Natives were victimizing Warren. DMarks didn't say that himself.
I don't know how this so-called liberal came to that conclusion. I haven't seen anyone accuse Natives of bad behavior in this conflict.
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