The pipe is a 2,000-year-old Native American stone tobacco pipe that was found in 1901 in a burial ground near Chillicothe.
The pipe was found after excavation of the Adena Mound, which once stood 26 feet tall on land owned by former Governor Thomas Worthington who wouldn’t allow its excavation. But when the land changed ownership, William C. Mills, curator of archaeology for what was then the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, made his move to discover the mounds’ secrets.
“The Adena Effigy Pipe is the earliest representation we have of a human in all of Ohio history or prehistory,” said Bradley T. Lepper, curator of archaeology at the Ohio Historical Society, in a press release. “Listing the Adena Effigy Pipe as Ohio’s state artifact would honor our indigenous heritage by giving a face to the too often forgotten American Indian people who were the first Ohioans.”

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For more on the subject, see:
Adena Pipe's place in history secure
Ohio selects Ross County artifact for special recognition
The idea came about as the girls took field trips to locations across the state. During one such trip to the Statehouse in fall 2009, they saw a connection between state government and Ohio’s prehistory and decided it would be important to honor a culture often forgotten by Ohioans. The students thought becoming one of three states to name a state artifact would encourage others to learn more about Ohio’s history and prehistory.
The students began the search for an appropriate artifact, which started with the girls meeting, interviewing and writing to different archaeologists across the state—among them Kathy Brady at Hopewell Culture National Historical Park in Chillicothe. The students also took field trips to various prehistoric sites and museums to view the artifacts. Several were considered before the students settled on one they felt stood apart from the rest—the Adena Pipe, which was discovered on the grounds of the Adena Mansion & Gardens.
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