June 22, 2009

Absolutely True Diary challenged again

Controversial book to stay on reading list

Some parents seek to ban 'The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian'

By Lisa Black, Tribune staff reporter, and Ruth Fuller, special correspondent
Antioch High School has agreed to form a committee that includes parents to review books after an assigned summer reading book drew protests because of its language and description of sexual acts.

But school board President Wayne Sobczak said he doubts the book--"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie--will be pulled from shelves as some parents wanted.

"I am sensing the book is going to stay because it is age-appropriate," said Sobczak, who said he had also received positive input from parents who read the book.

"I appreciate the parents who came and had concerns," he added. "But the tone and flavor of the book is positive for children this age, and shows someone trying to do the right thing."
Comment:  I'm glad to hear that at least one school official in the US has a spine. Way to stand up against the conservatives who want to control our thoughts and return us to our puritanical past.

For more on the subject, see Absolutely True Diary Still Banned and School Censors Absolutely True Diary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they even know how kids talk. Yes, kids say "boner". Surprised?

I honestly think parents are idiots. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has been banned for one sentence: "And we was naked."