The Global Gaming Expo, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, keeps getting bigger and bigger every year. More than 30,000 people from over 100 countries are expected for the event, which draws a who's who of federal officials, Indian gaming leaders and tribal representatives.
“For tribal gaming professionals who are looking to further their careers and their businesses, G2E is a must-attend event," said Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., the president and CEO of the American Gaming Association.
Before we left, I played with my pal Victor's new Pechanga Phraselator. Read about it here.

Writerfella here --
Geez, better tell CNIGA that their acronym comes awfully close to being the 'N' word...
All Best
Russ Bates
The same is true of NIGA (National Indian Gaming Association). Journalist Bill Spain of Marketwatch made this point at the annual gaming writers' dinner.
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