okay, o and this is the 2nd message she sent my friend.......
Kyra Lowry (11/4/2007 7:51:35 PM): I am the Pilgrims and we existed while you never did. That's who I am you skank ho. Trust me I dont care to know anything about you but I do know that your living a lie. EXACTLY! You said (fake)Indians "DID" live in teepees so that means they dont any longer and dont really exist you dumb bitch. I know everything I need to know that you are a lie and that you dont exist. YOU ARE A MEXICAN GET OVER IT!! HAHAHA!!! TACO EATING FAGGOT!

Writerfella here --
Another case of the 'dominant culture's bereft and drowning homeless trying to poke holes in other people's manses...
All Best
Russ Bates
Writerfella here --
POSTSCRIPTUM: strange, why send messages to someone who doesn't exist? Ah, well, 'self-defeating' would be too long a word for them to understand...
All Best
Russ Baes
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