To A White Person Upon First Meeting
10. How much white are you?
9. I'm part white myself, you know.
8. I learned all your people's ways in the Boy Scouts (Order of the Bullet).
7. My great-great-grandmother was a full-blooded white-American princess.
6. Funny, you don't look white.
5. Where's your powdered wig and knickers?
4. Do you live in a covered wagon?
3. What's the meaning behind the square dance?
2. What's your feeling about river-boat casinos? Do they really help your people, or are they just a short-term fix?
1. Oh wow, I really love your hair! Can I touch it?
--André Cramblit, Operations Director, Northern California Indian Development Council

Writerfella here --
Geez, they forgot, "10a. Hey, what do ya hear from Kevin Costner?" Or, "10b. Ya know, I do see a lot of Kennewick Man in you!" Or even, "10c. Hey, what do ya hear from Patrick Stewart?"
All Best
Russ Bates
Writerfella here --
POSTSCRIPTUM: Or maybe someone should ask, "So, when's the next time you get your tribal casino checks?"
All Best
Russ Bates
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