Crazy Horse Memorial offers cultural education
By David Arredondo
People arrive in the masses during the summer to the in-progress monument, the world’s largest mountain carving, and are encouraged to visit the Native American Educational & Cultural Center, a wood-and-rock-walled building where artists from around the country set up vending booths with their elegant works of art. Completed in 1996, the rocks used in constructing the center were blasted from Thunderhead Mountain, the site on which the monument sits.
Around a dozen mostly Native American artists and crafters gather daily in the Educational & Cultural Center to sell, as well as demonstrate, their skills. The artisans’ work includes traditional quillwork and beadwork as well as traditional regalia, jewelry, silverwork and painted pieces.
Along with purchasing their art, fascinated tourists can visit each booth for the opportunity to chat one-on-one with the vendors–who are not employed by Crazy Horse–about their cultures, customs, art and other relevant issues.
“I think the vendors add immeasurably to the experience of the visitors,” said Pat Dobbs, media relations coordinator and general spokesman for Crazy Horse Memorial. “The visitors can have an informal conversation with the vendors and learn about customs without any book or lecturing.”
To do this right, you'd put more of displays in the side room and vendors in the main room. You'd have Natives actively demonstrating their craft, perhaps teaching classes to kids. And not just sitting behind tables like vendors everywhere.
This isn't a criticism of the vendors, but of the menorial's management. "Educational & Cultural Center" is a glorified name for what's really an isolated vendor area. If the Memorial's goal is education, then educate. Don't just offer space to sell art; pay people to make art so visitors can see the process.
For more on the Crazy Horse Memorial, see Mixed Feelings About Crazy Horse Memorial and 21st Native Americans' Day at Crazy Horse.

Hey, this is David Arredondo, the writer of the original article. I don't appreciate you using my actual researched work to showcase your own opinion and agenda. There are many other ways to get the word about the cultural center at Crazy Horse than "dissecting" my article.
And on another note, I will be contacting Native Sun News and letting them know about their material being republished because I highly doubt that they gave you permission to use their publication to suit your own interests.
Good day.
Since I was there in person, my position isn't just an "opinion." It's based on the evidence of my own eyes.
I can't tell if you're upset because I posted a brief excerpt of your article or because I "dissected" it. Because those are two different things.
In any case, this posting is protected by the fair-use provision of the copyright law. It's a perfect example of the concept--exactly the kind of criticism or commentary fair use was invented to protect.
If you're unclear on what the law says, read it and learn:
17 USC § 107 -- Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
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