O’Reilly: Black Voters Don’t Believe In ‘Self Reliance’ Or ‘American Exceptionalism’
By Annie-Rose Strasser
Before all the votes were even cast on November 6, O’Reilly came out with the theory that “The white establishment is now the minority,” and that women, black, and Latino voters are “non-traditional” voters who “feel that they are entitled to things and which candidate, between the two, is going to give them things?”
On his show last night, O’Reilly responded to comedian Jon Stewart’s criticism that mourning “traditional voters” is latent racism. But in his rebuttal, O’Reilly explained that the mass turnout of voters of color signaled an end to “traditional American voters.” The new voters, he argued, don’t understand “traditional American values”:
Traditional American voters generally want a smaller government in Washington, more local control, some oversight on abortion, and believe in American exceptionalism.
O'Reilly is basically saying white voters are smarter than brown voters. But you don't have to know how or why he thinks minority voters are different. Simply claiming they're different--from the white norm, that is--is discrimination by race, hence racism.
O'Reilly joins Romney, Limbaugh, Palin, and other Republican leaders in claiming white voters are "traditional" or "real" Americans and minorities aren't. Either they believe this swill, which is scary, or they're saying it to pander to their racist constituents. Either way, their claims are racist and they're racists for uttering them.
For more on the subject, see Letters to Romney on "Stuff" and Romney: Obama Gave "Gifts" to Win.

Also, re: "O'Reilly joins Romney, Limbaugh, Palin, and other Republican leaders in claiming white voters are "traditional" or "real" Americans and minorities aren't"
I'd be very interested in finding out when Palin said this. It might be another fabrication like the "Sambo" hoax.
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