Here are the usual reactions from Natives and others:
I say we get back at him and dress in black face paint and sing Mammy. Or maybe some other old time slave songs in the name of honoring the black culture.
There seems to be no end to these disrespectful morons. Can't blame it on the smoke. Willie and Bob Marley could smoke him under the table, and neither ever lost their sense of propriety and respect.
He has lost touch with reality. You would think he would have known better. Very surprised by this.
Disgusting! I'd like to slap the fire outta him!
Wow. I used to like him. I am always so angry when I see black people indulge in this kind of denigrating behaviour. We should know better. This man has millions of young black kids who follow what he does. Look what he is teaching them. For shame!
He better get his black ass to the media and apologize!
Really? You are surprised? Snoop has been disrespecting women of all races for years!
I posted over on his Facebook page as to how much of a shame he is. Even more disrespect he is smoking weed while he is wearing that fake headdress.
If he is half Native, he is not only disrespecting my chiefs, but his own as well. That makes it even worse IMHO.

For more on the subject, see Victoria's Secret Model in a Headdress and Crystle Lightning in a Headdress.
Didn't plains Indian women wear a lot more than that? I mean, seriously. I'm pretty sure loincloths were male attire. And the fur bikini is entirely a Hollywood creation for fanservice purposes. Or am I just going out on a limb.
This THING called snoop dog is a disgrace to the whole Human race!!! WAKE UP!!! And my name is Madelaine Lee, I only went anon so I didn't have sign in.
"...Somehow you would think he would know better...."
Really? On the matters of sensitivity and intellectual prowess, he's hardly above the likes of Beavis and Butt-head.
And welcome back, Fanservice Guy.
@dmarks: Please tell me you've heard of TV Tropes.
And yeah, Snoop Dogg is kinda, um, let's say his greatest contribution to American culture is Work About Getting High #8192.
Is that a web site? I've never been to it, unless perhaps to look up the broken vase thing, perhaps.
"Fanservice" is a word I have only found from one person: you, "Fanservice Guy". Though I did google it to verify that it existed, and as I suspected, it really should be two words "fan service" instead of one.
The picture, by the way, drives home the point that these stereotypes are really not about white racism. Blacks engage in this just as much as whites.
How is this so surprising? Does anyone remember the Outcasts performance?
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