By Annie-Rose Strasser
GOP state chairman Charlie Webster aims to find those who committed the alleged fraud fraud by sending thank you cards to voters, and seeing if they are returned to sender.
In an interview with an NBC affiliate, Webster said he was astounded by the “dozens, dozens of black people” who voted, and thought it was odd because he personally doesn’t know anyone who knows a black person in town:
I’m not politically correct and maybe I shouldn’t have said these voters were black, but anyone who suggests I have a bias toward any race or group, frankly, that’s sleazy.
On top of that, Webster’s methodology is, to say the least, flawed. Not knowing any black people isn’t evidence that they don’t exist, and having a piece of mail bounce back is not proof that voters intentionally lied about their address. Indeed, even though Maine has one of the smallest black populations in the country (just 1.3 percent of the state is black), it’s much more likely to find a black Mainer than an instance of voter fraud in the US. Voter fraud is less common than being struck by lightning, of which there’s just a 0.000001 percent chance.
An example may help explain the problem. My hometown includes a mosque and a Baha'i temple. I've passed them many times, but I haven't seen huge numbers of congregants.
If 20 people dressed in robes or whatever showed up at my polling place, I wouldn't assume they were strangers brought in to commit fraud. I'd assume they lived in a neighborhood I wasn't familiar with. I'd assume that I was the problem, not them.
That's the difference between a typical liberal like me and a typical conservative like Webster. He sees diversity as a scary assault on traditional "norms." I see it as the way things are. He's biased to think people of color are somehow "wrong." I'm not.
For more on the subject, see Romney: Obama Gave "Gifts" to Win and White Men Lose to Demographic Change.

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