June 07, 2007

School defends Chief Win-Em-All

Tenn. school's Chief Win-Em-All, "Reservation" are "history"


writerfella said...

Writerfella here --
What is the loss of a supposed 35 years of history when compared to the 25 to 100 thousand years of history that was taken away by EuroMan when he imposed his presence and purposes on the New World? That didn't hurt the Native people who so were beset and devastated by those whose barely 500 years of history on these continents changed them entirely? What a maroon...
All Best
Russ Bates

Rob said...

Yes, defending a few years of so-called history is pretty lame. In fact, this custom or tradition barely deserves the word "history."

My high school changed its nickname from Titans to Panthers and I suffered no physical or mental harm. We were the Titans and now we're the Panthers...so?

I can't imagine how this name change is supposed to hurt my self-worth or (un)cherished memories. It's a single word with no power to affect anything.