Who Is a Native American Indian?
By Jim Marino
I guess Marino is implying some sort of linkage. I.e., if anyone can claim to be an Indian and a tribe buys the claim, the tribe will make the person an Indian whether he is one or not. But the key link in this chain of "reasoning" doesn't exist. Tribes don't buy the claims of just anyone. They accept people only if they meet the tribe's strict criteria.
There are several recognized groups of California “Indians” who have only one, two or perhaps a handful of members. So any new members admitted are often family members of existing members.
Since these are two radically different arguments, which is it? Does Marino even realize that he's stupidly shifted arguments in the middle of his screed?
"Wannabe" Indians?
In case you haven't noticed, Marino is dissembling to manipulate his readers. He talks about wannabes claiming to be Indians and then leaps to wannabes actually being recognized as Indians. But he doesn't give us the slightest reason to take a leap of illogic with him.
So much for the accuracy of Marino's research.
I haven't read Without Reservation, but I can rebut some of Marino's arguments. The Mashantucket Pequot case wasn't an example of a tribe recognizing wannabes, since the tribe itself wasn't recognized. If Skip Hayward and his people were wannabes, they were recognized by an act of Congress signed by President Reagan. They proved themselves to our elected officials.
If you don't like what Congress and the president did, pay more attention the next time you vote. But don't waste our time questioning the democratic process. We elected those people to make decisions for us. If you didn't like their decisions, you should've elected someone else rather than whine about the results.
To reiterate, the Pequots were recognized through an act of Congress, a legitimate means of recognition. They played by the rules and were recognized by the rules. So what's the problem?
More to the point, their case is only one example. It doesn't tell anything about the other 560-plus tribes nationwide, including the 100-plus in California. It's basically irrelevant.
Require 1/2 blood quantum?
One, tribes have always adopted people of other races and made them Indians. John Ross the "Cherokee Moses" is an excellent example of that. Two, tribal membership is a political decision, not a racial one--as the Supreme Court has ruled. If a tribe chooses to enroll someone who's only 1/8th Indian by "blood," it's the tribe's right.
He hasn't even described how recognition could be a problem. The US government has recognized few new tribes recently, and almost none by an act of Congress. It has recognized most of California's tribes for a century or more.
His phony "argument" is as baseless as the argument against gay marriage. If a homosexual couple gets married, does it affect the previous 560 heterosexual marriages? No. If a tribe is wrongly recognized, does it affect the previous 560 tribal recognitions? No.
Marino's main worry seems to be that tribes are enrolling too many "wannabes." But disenrollment is about removing members who are wannabes. How does removing enrolled wannabes increase the number of enrolled wannabes?!
Even if a tribe disenrolls legitimate members, it doesn't help Marino's argument. Regardless of why members get disenrolled, the tribe becomes smaller, not bigger. This contradicts Marino's claim that tribes are trying to enlarge themselves to get more "welfare and grant monies provided to Indian groups." Duhhh.
The Pechanga case
The only legitimate conclusion is that most Pechanga Indians support the disenrollment action. If they didn't, they'd vote to reverse the decision, or elect someone to reverse it. That they haven't done this signifies their approval.
The move to disenroll people isn't "commonly recognized as an effort to fatten the profits" except by the disenrollees. The tribes doing the disenrolling uniformly say they're expelling people who aren't really Indians. Since these tribes don't open their internal decision-making to public scrutiny, no one can say which side is right.
And again, Marino is shifting arguments. Let's suppose a tribe has disenrolled people because it's greedy. What does this have to do with tribes recognizing wannabes as Indians? Or with wannabes claiming to be and somehow becoming Indians? Answer: Nothing. Marino is talking about three or more unrelated issues and pretending they're one big problem.
You see? This is sheer stupidity. If a tribe keeps wannabes out, it's greedy. If it lets wannabes in, it's greedy. These two arguments are contradictory, but Marino embraces them both. Which proves he has no argument except "gaming is bad" and "Indians are bad."
Marino's real target
Since Marino writes for Santa Ynez Valley Journal, his real target is undoubtedly the Chumash. Problem is that he can't come up with a real argument against them. Is their recognition invalid? No. Have they enrolled any wannabes? No. Have they failed to enroll anyone who's a legitimate Indian? No. Have they disenrolled anyone? No.
Oops. Marino believes that some tribe somewhere has done something wrong. Something to do with recognition...enrollment...wannabes...or something like that. Apparently that means the Chumash must be guilty by association. Because all gaming tribes are corrupt and evil by definition.
I wonder what Marino thinks the Chumash should do. Enroll the people who have 1/8th or less Chumash blood? Disenroll all the present members because they're wannabes? Disband the whole tribe because it's illegitimate? All of the above? Or what, exactly?
I think Marino is jealous because the Chumash are earning a lot of money and he isn't. Well, boo-hoo, you big crybaby. If your ancestors hadn't committed acts of genocide against them, the Indians would own most of the county. They'd be earning $6,840,000 (152 x $45,000) a month by working or leasing their extensive land holdings. Either way, they're getting what they deserve.
And what does helping non-Indians have to do with tribes enrolling wannabes or disenrolling legitimate members? Absolutely nothing. Marino is throwing up every anti-Indian argument he can think of and hoping that one sticks.
So we have three different "problems," none of them proved, with three different solutions. That's what I call stupid.
For more on the subject, see The Facts About Indian Gaming.
Below: Another racist with views similar to Marino's.

I'm half Navajo and half German (white). So, can I call myself white? Or can I call my self Navajo? I wonder how that would fly on some federal or state application? Or anything that requires you to state ethnic background? I wonder if there is some sort of legal thing talking about this? Hummm...
I kinda doubt a lot of Indian casinos have buckets of cash anyway, casinos in attractive states like florida probably do pretty good. But who's going to rush to a casino in - for example - Minnesota?
Just a few random thoughts:
1. The Santa Ynez Valley Journal, was CREATED with the intent of criticizing the Santa Ynez Chumash and their casino. Please see the Capitol Weekly article, which also covers Marino's history with the Chumash: http://www.capitolweekly.net/article.php?xid=wnom5curnq8t6b Chairman Armenta's also wrote a follow-up called "Gonzo Journalism gone wild."
2. Marino's poorly written article hints at a serious problem that you didn't really address. When members or non-members disagree with the family in control of enrollment (and usualloy general council as well), there is nobody to objectively arbitrate. People who will profit from the decision are really the only ones making it. The BIA can give their opinion, but ultimately must go along with whatever the family in charge wants to do. This is why the USA set up the Senate, so that big states (compare to families) cannot simply muscle around the small states by their sheer population. Do tribes have that kind of balance?
3. Actually, 1/34 is possible if you are rounding to the nearest two-digit combination. For example, a 1/32 and a 3/64 make a somewhat clumsy 5/128. 1/34 is the closest two-digit fraction, and is easier to understand for an average reader. I suspect that's where the figure came from, but if so, he should have stated the correct figure or qualified it as an approximation.
4. I believe those fractions are silly anyway. They are based on unreliable, inconsistent census data and in no way account for the depth of the person's tie to the tribe's heritage or its past hardships. It's easy to say "there's no better system," but it's still rediculous because it's extremely unlikely that one single gr-gr-gr-grandfather, or his accidental ommission/incusion by a census taker had as much effect on a person's life as a HUGE paycheck does.
4. You blasted him for misspelling "Pequot," but you did it yourself! "To reiterate, the Peuots were recognized through an act of Congress..." I'd hold his printed article to a higher standard, but you have to see the irony :-).
5. If I were you, I'd avoid namecalling in your posts. It undermines your intellectual argument.
Forgive my numbering errors! 3 & 4a were originally one comment!
Stephen: I've seen one or two of the Minnesota casinos, and they have produced enough cash to make a difference for their tribes.
They probably get a lot of their business from the Twin Cities. And don't forget there are many from the Chicago area who "rush" to Minnesota for the tourism anyway, aside from just the casinos.
Good point, but still I kinda doubt that tribal casinos are the cash cows they're made out to be, not that I'm opposed to Indian gaming or anything.
Stephen: Plenty of people. I live about a half hour away from the nearest reservation and their casino is quite successful. Some people don't want to have to go all the way to Las Vegas.
Interesting, thanks for the info.
Stephen: I also went to a reservation (with casino) in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota. This is the empty quarter of the US, really, with no big cities for many hundreds of miles. The casino was indeed a "cash cow", and it made a remarkable and noticable improvement in government services for the reservation.
(This also happened to be a reservation where the federal government came in, in the 1950s, and took much of the best land. The feds promised payment and other services. Which were never delivered.)
I know of many casinos that are cash cows. There might be some that aren't. I just have not heard of them. Rob is much more on top of the gaming industry, so he might know if there are Indian-run casinos that are a liability for the tribe rather than a big asset.
I think what bothered me the most about this article is that there is no discussion of Sovereignty. Federally recognized tribes are Nations. These Nations have a Nation to Nation relationship with the States in which they are in and with the United States. These Nations have the rights to outline the citizenship of their members and what they do with their business investments.
Marino, the writer for the original story, seems to be questioning what these Nations do with their investments, yet I question why? Does anyone question the governmental policies of Canada, Mexico, France, England or any other Nation outside of the United States? I am sure all of these other Countries also have issues of citizenship and commerce, yet they don’t seem to be under Marino’s scrutiny.
Well now, Rob, if tribes are political communities that can adopt whomever they want and include persons of mixed race (as most do), then it is (as you rudely put it) "stupid" for you to assert that persons who are anti-Indian are racists. Gotta get your story straight -- or not. However, the question logically arises, even if "stupid," whether and for how long Federal Indian policy can ignore that tribes are, in fact, communities based upon race and culture -- and where the racial distinction ceases to be meaningful due to intermarriage, at what point the "tribe" ceases to be such for purposes of a valid classification under the U.S. Constitution. You may not see the imminence of this today, but it will be here before too long, and, no doubt, a California tribe will be the focus.
The problem with the attempt to discredit my article is that it is an easy matter in this day and age to determine who is really a bona fide Indian or a person with significant ancestry to entitle them to call themselves "Native American Indians" and thus be enrolled for that reason and not tribal internal politics, cronyism, nepotism and corruption which is rampant now that gambling profits are at stake. That fairly simple solution is called a DNA test. Most tribes, have vehemently opposed such a test for obvious reasons, those in power or who have been utilizing and taking advantaged of the many benefits to tribal recognition and membership might be exposed as not being the right "Indian ancestry" for that tribe or perhaps not "Indian" at all. Your comments about the Cherokee are at best disingenuous and ignorant. The Cherokee, are an example of an attempt to purge out the Afro American slaves who became tribal members and intermarried (some of who have more Indian blood than their current persecutors) have recently undertaken these racist purification efforts to disenroll these "impure" members from membership. I think it is you, to use your favorite insult, that is "stupid" and uninformed!
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