December 11, 2009

Yee's film on Highway of Tears

Sex activist to show other side of Highway of Tears

By James MunsonYee, 23, worked on the Highway of Tears Initiative for two years fostering discussion among young women on their sexual rights.

She’s made a 20-minute film, to be presented tonight at the Alpine Bakery, on her experiences.

“What I don’t like is that the media never shows what people are actually doing, I think that’s not fair,” said Yee. “It’s fair to paint it in a horrific light because it is. But you also have to not sensationalize it so it makes the news.”

“If communities are going through all these horrible things, why wouldn’t you talk about all the things people are actually doing about it?”
And:The full-circle approach is evident from Yee’s work on the Highway of Tears.

Highway 16, connecting Prince George and Prince Rupert through the northern BC wilderness, is a symbol of what happens to women forgotten by mainstream feminism.

Eleven women have either been murdered or have mysteriously disappeared on the highway in recent years, according to a 2006 CBC report.

The Highway of Tears came to Yee’s attention in 2006 after a flurry of media interest over the murders.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Native Documentaries and News.

Below:  "A still from Jessica Yee’s film, Highway of Hope."

1 comment:

Kat said...

Severe crush on Jessica- I read some her brilliant posts at racialicious and feministing. And very much in awe- we are close in age, yet she has achieved more than I think I ever will. Tip of the hat.