It was in 1984--25 years ago--in Los Angeles when Morris, a Mohawk from Kahnawake, Quebec, and his partner Hugh Fisher won gold in the men's 1,000 metre, doubles kayak race.
Morris's gold medal victory is a rare achievement for any athlete, but even more rare for an aboriginal competitor. He joined the great American aboriginal runners Jim Thorpe and Billy Mills as the only three North American aboriginals to ever win gold at the Olympics.
Morris, now 52, says his eagle feather salute in Los Angeles allowed him to say everything he wanted to his family, aboriginals, Canadians and the world, without uttering a word.
Below: "Alwyn Morris, 1984 Olympic gold medallist, shares the Olympic Flame with local children Tuesday, December 8, 2009 as he carries it through the Mohawk town of Kahnawake south of Montreal." (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz)

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