January 06, 2011

Jacques La Grange and Shadow Wolf

The Super Team Behind SpazDog Press Comics

By Colin Lecher"It's like the Beatles with George Martin," says Jacques La Grange, a San Carlos Apache Native American who came to Demumbrum with an idea for a Native American hero, Shadow Wolf. La Grange's story--inspired by his want to create a hero for Native Americans in the way Bruce Lee was for Asian Americans--turned into another series for SpazDog Press.SpazDog Press--The CreatorsJacques La Grange (Artist)

Jacques has a background in video production, but 7 years ago he got the idea for a story about a Native American Indian set in a post-apocalyptic future and his quest to find a new tribe. He has been working these last years to learn to draw and create comics so that he could make that story a comic book.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Comic Books Featuring Indians.

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